
Quick Guide to Motorized Golf Carts

Quick Guide to Motorized Golf Carts

Motorized golf carts come in two varieties – the push/pull type to which the golf bag is strapped, or the little motor car style type to drive around the course.

Car style motorized golf carts are electric or gasoline powered. They first came about in the 1940s to help those with disabilities to get around the course but are enjoyed by many players today.

The typical speed limit of these motorized golf carts is around 15-20 MPH. It may have one, two, four or six seats, to transport the whole group during the game.

Care should always be taken on the course in motorized golf carts. Your golf club may have a set of rules to observe with carts, but much is down to common sense and generally this will include using consideration for where it is driven and parked, taking care to protect the greens and not leave tire marks – particularly during or after wet weather, not overloading the cart and keeping body parts inside it, remember to use the brakes properly on stopping and don't drink and drive!

Push/pull style motorized golf carts might also be subject to rules at the golf club, such as the width of the tires to prevent damage to turf and keeping them to the edges of the green. They can make the game far more enjoyable for those who don't like the physical effort involved in wheeling the golf bag around in non-motorized golf carts.

These carts are run by battery, are made by a number of manufacturers and can be found in many golfing and online stores. Kaddy Karts, CA, have a large range including the RoboKaddy – apparently “no other cart has the ability to go in reverse”. An Internet search for “motorized golf carts” will provide plenty of links to many different carts to enable you to choose which suits your needs.

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