Choosing Golf Bags That Are Right for You
Playing the big courses can cause you some discomfort if you don’t have a good golf bag. While the golf bag is not essential to your playing ability or to how you score it is essential to your comfort. The golf bag will most likely be carrying not only your clubs but, the golf balls, tees, bandages, spare gloves, towels, markers and even a possible umbrella and any other golf accessories like hand drying lotion.
But how do you know what type of bag you will need? Part of that depends on what you expect to do in your travel on the course. Will you use a golf cart? Will you have caddie? Will you carry the bag? What are you planning to carry in the way of equipment?
Unless you want to do it like the pros and also have a caddy then you might just want to utilize a carry bag or a travel bag. This small bag holds the essentials if you want to carry your own items or have a junior player in mind for the bag. These bags are definitely smaller than most golfing bags but they do come in a variety of styles and sizes. The material used for these convenient bags are made of light weight materials and often come with features such as straps for easier carrying. Some of the bags have stands which hold the bag and the benefit is the clubs are manipulated more easily in and out of the bag.
If on the other hand, you want to use a cart then there is the obvious choice of a cart bag. As the name implies this is for on the golf cart. They can be compared to another type of bag called the staff bag like the pro golf players with caddies use. They carry everything in those bags. But there is a big difference in the bag made for being hauled by a cart. And that is, even though they are smaller than a staff bag they are quite in bulky. They can be quite unmanageable. They don’t have as much storage space as other bags either.
The assumption is probably that some items can be managed on the cart instead of in the golf bag. Nonetheless it carries less than the pro style tour bag that is carried by a caddy.
Deciding on what your playing style is and what golf accessories you want with you at all times will help you determine what type of bag you want for your clubs. As well as how many bags and any additional equipment. Consider the different courses you plan on playing and how you will traverse the course. What will you need and will you have help. Think seriously about this before you choose from the available golf bags.
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