
Tips for Golf Lessons

Tips for Golf Lessons

Golf lessons may be either formal or informal. The formal sessions of course would be given by someone with an outstanding ability to play golf and have the gift of being able to teach. Informal instruction, on the other hand, may be given by just about anyone that can hold a club or something as simple as reading a book.

Prior to taking on a golfing instructor or instructions of any type, today's golfer must determine what level of play he or she wants to develop the game to. In making this determination the 'duffer' should also determine the depth of his or her wallet. Budget restraints will determine how far you may be able to develop your game.

If the budget is a major consideration, today's golfer does not have to break the bank while learning to play. The new rookie player should check out a book from the local library on the rules of golf. However, as you will not learn the rules overnight, it will behoove you to purchase your own book. You do not have to spend top dollar acquiring a copy. You can purchase a used copy on line from E-bay or Amazon.com.

If you have difficulty visualizing the instruction from the book a more expedite way of learning would be from instructions on a compact disk or digital video disk. These disks will provide the written text as well as a video demonstration of the strokes you are attempting to learn. The great advantage of this method of learning is that you can repeat the demonstration over and over until you could do it in your sleep.

The disadvantage of course is that you cannot take the video disk to the playing course with you.

However, once you have learned the basics and rules of the game, you can take your level of play, to the next step by playing and observing other players. It is important to play with someone who is qualified and competent to teach you. Otherwise you will find yourself learning all the bad habits as well as the good habits of your teacher.

Golf lessons will increase the fun of playing the game and shorten the learning curve.


Choosing a Golf Resort

Choosing a Golf Resort

If you have your heart set on a golfing vacation, then you will want to book accommodations at a golf resort. Finding resorts that will be ideal for you are not that difficult to locate. Here are some tips to help you find the ideal place to spend your golfing holiday.

Word of mouth is always a good way to find resorts of interest. Ask some of your golfing buddies about places they have stayed before. You can get first hand opinions on the type of course you will find at a particular lodge or resort, some ideas on the amenities that you can expect, and other small points that you may or may not find in a travel brochure. Check with the people you know and get their recommendations first and you will have an excellent starting place in your quest to book the right accommodations.

Next, get online and look up the places your friends have recommended. Check to see how the activities are conducted, if you have a golf pro on hand who can help with trouble spots in your game, and what type of other activities might be available for loved ones who want to do something other than play golf. Remember the idea is for everyone who is going on the trip to have a good time. You want the resort to be ideal for your plans, but it is equally important that your fellow travelers enjoy themselves as well.

As you peruse the Internet, you may come across more recommendations at state and national golfing association web sites. If one catches your eye, by all means investigate the resort. You may come up with something brand new that will be perfect for you and your family.

Booking accommodations at the right lodge just takes some attention to detail and verifying what they facility has to offer. Once you are sure that a particular golf resort has what you want, then book your stay and settle in to have the time of your life.


Advantages of Playing Indoor Golf

Advantages of Playing Indoor Golf

There is no doubt that indoor golf can be a very intense game. Of course, it also can be a lot of fun and actually has some advantages that you may not have considered. Here are a couple of examples of how playing a round of golf indoors has its own unique advantages.

The first perk to keep in mind is that you do not have to be concerned about the weather. Unlike traditional golf, you are completely free of such worries as wind, sudden rain or any of the other problems that could interfere or even call off a game. Because you are indoors, your have complete control of the climate; it can be as warm or as cool as the players want it to be. Because of this complete control of the playing environment, golf that is set up for indoor play can be enjoyed year round, without any concern for the weather conditions outside.

Another plus for this form of golf is that you can enjoy the activity with the entire family.The very nature of this form of golf lends itself well even to the younger children in your household. With its scaled down set of holes, the kids get to enjoy the game, even beginning to pick up the basics of golfing in general. These fun times can be the springboard for playing traditional golf in later years. But for now, it is a great way to spend some time with the family, doing something that is fun and gives everyone a little exercise.

Much more can be said about the casual atmosphere, the fact that there is usually a snack bar within easy walking distance of every hole, and that you can play as many or as few holes as you want are some other perks to think about. All in all, you will find that indoor golf is a great way to enjoy a weekend afternoon with friends or with family.


Chose the Golf Bag for You

Chose the Golf Bag for You

When buying a golf bag a player must be certain what purpose they want the bag to fill. There are three common types; the carry bag, the stand bag and the pencil bag. Each one serves a particular purpose. The most common bag is the stand bag. This bag is usually the same size as the carry bag but it is designed with a small stand so that the bag can be rest on the ground at a standing angle. It has two small legs that sit inside the bag until you need them. Then they pop out and support the bag. This prevents the bag from getting dirty by being thrown on the ground while the player is up for their turn. It is also more convenient for the player to access their clubs when using this bag. When determining if the stand bag is a good one test to see how well it stays in place. If it falls over at the slightest breeze it will be useless to you.

The carry bag is the more common bag seen used by golfers. These bags have come a long way over the years. They now can weigh as little as less than four pounds. They have been redesigned and are frequently not the over the shoulder bags they once were. It is just as common to see them with two straps so that they hang over both shoulders, more like a common backpack, and thus distribute the weight more evenly.

The pencil bag, sometimes referred to as the Sunday bag, is even easier to carry around than the carry bag. They are narrower, though can still hold at least a dozen clubs, and weigh less. Being of a narrower design they are easier to throw from your car into your locker. Depending on the type you choose and the brand name that appeals to you, you can expect to pay from forty to three hundred dollars for your golf bag.

Golf Swing Fundamentals

Golf is definitely a game where an individual's d iscipline, determination, and heart can be measured. While others tend to see the game, when watching golf being played, as completely boring, this sport can truly reel you in. You just need to get ahead with your golf swing.

While the basics are the same for everyone, the differences in body types and mentalities bring forth a multitude of differences in the game that can cause confusion for most beginners. As such, one must adapt to his/her body in learning how to perform the perfect golf swing. While the perfect golf swing is there, it is elusive as it is different for every individual. Practice and knowledge are the keys to success in golf, and muscle memory is what you are trying to ingrain into yourself. Once you have the proper golf swing in your system, confidence in your game and calmness of mind shall follow.

Basic Principles

One of the most fundamental principles that can be applied for immediate improvement in the golf swing is to keep your head still and eyes on the ball. This is to straighten your spine's alignment and to aim at the ball properly. The spine is the axis that you are to swing with, so you have to keep yourself straight in order to achieve any positive result. Keep your head straight by raising your nose up. Your left shoulder should be under your chin by the time you are to swing. Tucking your head into your chest is not the way to go. The best way is to keep everything straight so that you can hit the ball dead center.

Keeping your head straight and with eyes on the ball will definitely help those who have constant problems with their golf swings. The next step required is to assume the correct position of knees and feet. The feet have to be planted onto the ground and the knees are to be straight while allowing pivoting to occur. Bend a little bit forward at the waist and look right at the ball. Minimize hip rotation to prevent swaying and do not overdo your backswing. This way, your left shoulder should hit your chin upon swinging.

Prevent this by lifting your head a bit until your shoulder doesn't hit your chin anymore. In this position, slowly do your backswing and downswing while staying focused on the ball. A practice swing is best done first before actually hitting the ball. Practice your golf swing by focusing on straightening your head and keeping your eyes on the ball.

Position and balance are the most crucial points of a golf swing, leading to consistency and good power. Another thing that needs to be focused on is relaxation. Being tense can only make one's golf swing worse. By relaxing your muscles, you can maintain your balance and flow with the swing as smoothly as possible. Practice this while maintaining your position. While this can be daunting at first, you can make things easier for yourself by breathing at a relaxed pace while maintaining the position without tensing your muscles.

Hold this position for around 15 seconds before doing your swing during practice. Keep your weight even on both feet and try to not tense yourself. This is a good way to improve your golf swing.


Discovering Resources for Discount Golf Equipment

Discovering Resources for Discount Golf Equipment

Golf can be an expensive game and it isn’t just in the green fees. Buying Discount Golf Equipment is often a wise choice and doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice quality either. Since a golf player often needs a lot of gear to even get started playing, shopping for a good deal is worth the effort. Not to mention that many golf items need replaced after a time.

By saving money on equipment for golf anywhere you can you will help to make paying those green fees or private club fees a lot more financially acceptable.

There are many discount locations for sports and many of them can even be found online. The discount golf stores are not necessarily providing poor quality with their more convenient pricing. These stores can provide quality and lower prices in a couple ways that benefit the buyer while not hurting the stores pockets and not sacrificing quality either.

As mentioned previously here, selling on the internet is one way these stores sell and this can provide a cost savings to the customer. They often have less overhead when selling from an online store yet they can reach people all over the world and make sales. They can do this without having any corresponding increase in employees too. So you save.

The big sports store chains can buy in bulk offline for those of you who want to purchase in the store. They buy quality golf, baseball, football, and sports equipment in such huge quantities that they get a big break on their cost and pass the savings on to you. They make their money in volume.

There are also warehouse stores that have discounts on overall pricing. They won’t have a pretty store but they will likely have what you want at a steep discount.

There are many options when shopping for discounted sports equipment and theses golf discount stores have discovered and implemented many ways to bring in more business by applying a discount pricing model. It pays to shop around and save on your equipment so do your research.

When you are buying, attempt to keep up with your needs over time so you can watch for the good deals and not rush to get something at a higher price just because you waited too long. Save wherever you can to offset what you can not save anything on. But be sure to look for quality as well as price when you buy any discount golf equipment.


Which Brand of Golf Clubs is Right for You?

Which Brand of Golf Clubs is Right for You?

There are two aspects of golfing that separate a good golfer from a great golfer – how much time and practice he puts into his golf game and the type of golf clubs he chooses to use. Now, before you rush out to your local golf shop to buy a set of Nike clubs so that you can play like Tiger Woods, you have to remember that no matter what clubs you use – you still have to practice if you want to improve your golf game. If only it was so easy as to just choose a set of clubs and play an amazing set of golf.

In order to improve your golf game via a new set of golf clubs, you will need to be prepared to spend a lot of time in your local golf shop trying all of the clubs out. Test out each and every club from each and every brand so that you can get a good feel for which brand is best for you. If you are serious about picking a good set of clubs – don’t even look at the price until you are standing at the register, as the clubs that are right for you may be the lowest or the highest priced clubs in the shop.

After you feel like you have handled every set of clubs imaginable, you should turn your attention specifically to putters. A lot of people have a terrible time with their short game, so be sure that you pick a good putter. Decide which putting style you like best, and then check out the putters of that style. And remember that you are not trying to start a club collection here, so it does not matter if you find a putter from a different brand than the rest of your clubs. The same goes for drivers – pick the golf clubs that feel best instead of trying to complete a set of one particular brand.


Golf Carts

An Introduction to Golf Carts

Golf carts have been around since the 1940s, when they were introduced to allow disabled people to enjoy the golf course easily with their friends. They gradually became popular with other golfers and today have even developed a life of their own with many uses outside of the course.

Golf carts, although usually two seated, are built to carry from one to six people and come in electric or gas varieties. Electric is most popular today – it's more environmentally friendly than the gas variety and is cleaner to run. Electric golf carts run from batteries which can be plugged into the mains to charge.

Gas golf carts may be more suited to the long trek, since a can of gas may be carried to refill if it runs out. However, many areas disapprove of gas powered carts and in some states they are actually banned, so if you're considering one of these it's best to check on that first.

The golf cart has become a well loved and commonly seen vehicle. They're used on farms, on movie sets, in warehouses...in fact pretty much anywhere a small, light vehicle could be of use. However, they are not always road legal.

Some carts have appeared with 4 wheel drive, looking more like an all terrain vehicle. Some have tipping platforms on the back for industrial usage. Many are sold for particular usage, such as those for warehouses and come under the category of “utility golf cart”.

Trade in refurbished and pre-owned golf carts is big business. Many local dealers will be able to offer a good quality cart for around half the price of a new one. Refurbished carts will be slightly more expensive, will have had the electrics and engine checked over and may have reupholstered seating. A pre-owned one should be bought with the same type of care as buying a new car. Also, like a car, golf carts need regular maintenance and immediate attention should be paid to anything that seems “wrong”.

Fun and varied as they are, first and foremost golf carts are a motorized vehicle and should be driven with the same care and attention as any other.


Finding Quality PGA Golf Accessories

Finding Quality PGA Golf Accessories

If you have a friend who loves the PGA, then a wonderful gift would be something from the world of PGA golf accessories. Here are some tips on where you can find a variety of different PGA related items that would be sure to delight your friend.

There is a very good chance that your local sporting goods store carries a line of items with the official PGA logo. You can choose from such small accessories as golf tees and ball markers, or move along to higher priced items like golf shirts and head covers for the golf clubs. The advantage of buying the accessories from a retail outlet like sporting goods store is that you know the PGA for sale in fact approves the accessories. A true fan will want the real deal, not a knockoff. Shopping at a reputable retail outlet ensures you are getting authentic items.

You also can visit the PGA store online as well. Here you will find the same range of accessories associated with the PGA. However, keep in mind that you will pay top dollar at the site. Three are rarely discounts available, as you would have with your local sporting goods store. Still, if you are having trouble finding what you want locally, the official online store could be your best bet.

One other option is to check online auction sites. You can often find PGA memorabilia offered in several auctions. Make sure that you check the description of the auction to ensure you are getting authentic PGA items. It is also a good idea to check the feedback rating of the seller. Positive ratings let you know you are dealing with someone who has integrity and is probably being completely honest about the condition of the items on auction.

PGA fans often delight in receiving gifts of accessories that relate back to their favorite pastime. With a little legwork, you can come up with PGA golf accessories that will bring a smile to the face of your favorite PGA enthusiast.


Tips for Buying Used Gas Golf Carts

Tips for Buying Used Gas Golf Carts

Used gas golf carts are not quite so easy to get hold of as electric carts. This is mainly because many used carts sold by dealers come from golf clubs refreshing their fleet and clubs tend to buy in electric carts.

However, there is still a demand for used gas powered carts. They are more suitable for long, all terrain days out, since the body tends to be more robust and they can be simply refueled from a gas can if they run out. You can't charge an electric cart for several hours in the middle of a field! They are also better for long perids of driving at night, since this would drain an electric vehicle's power.

When buying a used gas golf cart, if it has been refurbished, then it has had a service and the following things should have been checked. If it is simply “used”, or being bought in a private sale, then more care needs to be taken.

The checklist for buying used gas golf carts is similar to buying a used car: water level and signs of leakage; brake cables and pads; battery and cables; wheel bearings; pedal pads; clutch; steering; tires; spark plugs; oil and signs of leakage; air filter; air intake hose; carburetor; engine mounts; belts. Make sure you can test drive before purchasing and, if you are clueless as to what's in the engine, take a more mechanically minded friend along.

A major consideration when on the lookout for used gas golf carts is whether use is restricted in your area. Newer models which run on 4-cycle engines are quieter and cleaner than the older 2-cycle engines, but this may not be enough for your new cart to be allowed where you want to drive it. They are banned in some areas, so do check before you buy.


Wardrobe Essentials: The Golf Shirt

Wardrobe Essentials: The Golf Shirt

When it comes to garments that can be worn for a number of different occasions, nothing can be the golf shirt. Simple in design and very comfortable this versatile shirt shows up in a lot of places that have nothing to do with golfing. Here are some examples of places where this shirt worn for golf is often considered appropriate attire.

As a piece of casual wear, golfing shirts have made their mark. Since they pair up nicely with a pair of jeans, you can find these shirts going just about anywhere that has a casual atmosphere. You can find the shirt hanging out at the park on Saturday afternoons, or taking in a movie at the local theater. Chances are you will see plenty of them at the mall or other shopping centers any day of the week. Ideal for warm weather, this shirt made for golf always has a comfortable yet tailored look, even if the shirt is not tucked into the jeans.

Over the last several years, casual dress has become more acceptable in a couple of situations that used to require a button down shirt and a tie. One such place is the office. Once conservative dress was the unquestionable king of the workplace. These days, there are many businesses that encourage their employees to dress for work with a nice pair of slacks and a solid shade of golfing shirt. The idea is that the look is still put together and professional even while it is casual. The comfort factor means employees can focus their attention on getting the job done rather than worrying about keeping the tie on just so.

Houses of worship are also a place where these types of shirts are acceptable. Many faiths now encourage casual dress. Again, a man would be considered to be appropriately attired in a golfing shirt with a nice looking pair of slacks. If he wants to dress the look up slightly, he can always add a single-breasted blazer. This not only looks nice; it also translates very easily into the afternoon activities following the worship services. You can head out to a luncheon, take in a movie, or hit the sports stadium without a need to change.

Today's dress standards are nowhere near as rigid as they once were. A more casual feel while still looking put together will take a man many more places today. This has allowed the golf shirt to take its place among those garments that are considered essential basics of a man's wardrobe.


How to Choose the Right Calloway Golf Club

How to Choose the Right Calloway Golf Club

The purchase of a Calloway Golf Club may be the best purchase; you have ever made, for your golf game. Let's face it there are cheaper imitations and close competitors but nothing like the champion. To help you make the right decision of your golfing equipment here are a few tips to help you along the way.

1. Determine what your budget will before anything else. Know how much money you can spend with out bankrupting your self. Golfing equipment can be quite expensive and get out of control quickly. This can contribute to marital and financial problems you had not anticipated.

2. How good of a player are you? Perhaps if you are a novice, that only plays once in a while, then it isn't necessary to buy the most expensive set of sticks that you can find. If you play much more regularly, then it will benefit you to step up to a better class of club. However, if you intend to take your game to a much higher plain then you more than likely should go for the customized clubs.

The following is a brief list, of what you should carry in your bag, to be able to play on any level.

The Woods:

Used for making those longer shots including the tee shot. Normally you would have at least three woods in your bag. The driver in most cases will be the longest club in your bag. When taking the tee shot the # 1 wood is normally selected. Then you will have a # 3 or # 5 woods for shots down the fairway. Typically these clubs are the longest of all the clubs and consequently more difficult to handle.


A great many duffers consider the putter has the most valuable weapon in their arsenal. The putter is used more frequently than any other club. This little jewel has three styles of blades. These styles are known as the mallet, heel and toe. You must be careful and select the right length for yourself. When selecting the Callaway Golf Club you will be guided by the sales staff or club pro in your selection.

Hybrids and Utility Golfing Clubs:

Fortunately for those on a tight budget, for their golfing experience, this is a great way to go. These sticks are designed with a combination of irons and woods. The beginning duffer have a chance to get started playing the game without breaking the bank.

Another great tip for the beginner is not to ignore the used clubs. Many of the pro shops and golfing stores will have great sets of clubs and bags at a huge discount off the original price.

These tips are useful for selecting any clubs, much less the Calloway Golf Clubs.


Purchasing Golf Head Cover Sets

Purchasing Sets

When you spend a lot of money for your golf clubs, it only makes sense that you would want to protect them with quality golf head cover sets. Here are some tips on where you can find cover sets that will protect your investment, but not leave a hole in your wallet.

Your first stop in your search for quality head covers for your gold clubs should be at the local sporting goods store. This is especially true if you purchased your clubs from that store. Most likely, they will have sets in stock that are tailored especially for the brand and type of clubs that you own. The head covers may come in a set or individually, allowing you to mix and match. From a price perspective, they may be a little higher in this environment. But if they are customized for your clubs, you should experience longer wear from the covers as well.

If you do not see anything in the local stores that interest you, then take to the Internet. There are plenty of golfing shops online that carry just about every type of accessory you can imagine. You will find covers that are strictly utilitarian in appearance and function. There are also plenty of head covers with themes, if you want to add a touch of whimsy to your golf equipment. From time to time, you can find online discounts on accessories such as head covers, so this option may be your best bet.

Whatever road you choose in your search for head covers, make sure that anything you purchase has solid stitching, is waterproof, and will provide protection for your clubs in all sorts of weather. With a little investigation and smart shopping, you can find the golf head cover set that is just right for your needs and your sense of style.


3 Golf Swing Drills to Improve Your Putting

After hitting the ball as close to the hole as possible, it is just a matter of putting so you can move on to the next one. While this may sound easy given the short distance, there are still some who have a hard time. To help you out, here are 4 golf swing drills you can try.

The first is the one handed drill. You do this by practice putting ten balls using only your training hand. This drill lets you focus on the palm of your hand as it moves towards the cup.

Next, practice putting using your target hand. The emphasis here is for you to concentrate on your back hand moving towards the cup.

When you do this drill using either hand, be conscious of the toe of your putter in the follow through. Should this turn away from the cup or point toward it, this means you are turning your hand. So you know you are doing it right, the face of the putter should be square to the cup.

Another drill is to practice putting with one eye. Some golfers do this because it stops them from lifting their head prematurely. If you have played this game often, you can even try putting with your eyes closed.

But won’t closing your eyes make it harder for you to see where the ball is going? Yes but research has shown that when you try to putt with your eyes open, there is interference with the brain/muscle control system. By closing your eyes, you are relying more on your hands to guide the ball into the hole. And how will you know if the ball goes in? By simply using your sense of hearing.

To do this, you have to practice first putting first with your eyes open at a range of 10 to 50 feet from the hole. After putting these balls with your eyes open, do the same thing this time with your eyes closed. If the ball goes in the hole, you know that sink the ball with your eyes closed.

Another eyes closed technique involves dropping some balls to the ground and just putting them. The objective here is simply to let you feel how the stroke flows back and forth. Do the same thing also with your eyes open. Now that you know the difference, try to incorporate that when you are putting the balls into the hole.

The last golf swing drill is called the alignment drill. To do this, you lay two clubs on the green about six inches apart and make sure that they are parallel to each other. Now putt the ball to see if your stroke is aligned at impact and steady on the back and forward stroke. Do this several times and if you get tired, take a break and rest for a while before resuming the drill.

Practicing some golf swing putting drills like those mentioned will surely help you improve on your game. Who knows? You might even win when you are playing 18 holes with friends. If you can do that at short distances, the only thing to practice on now is your long game because this is just as important as the short game.


Three Golf Swing Tips

Golf is a popular sport which is why a lot of the tournaments are shown on television. You may not yet play with the likes of Tiger Woods but to be one of the best in the game, it will be helpful to know three golf swing tips.

First, you need a good shoulder turn to be able to hit the ball properly and let it land close to the hole. This is easier said than done because people have the misconception that making the left heel go up too much off the ground will make that work.

In essence, it does make the hip turn which is good but it does not produce any recoil. So what is the lesson here? Simply not to turn too much because recoil can be created not by how back the golfer turns when taking that shot.

Second, you must never let your chin rest against the chest because this will make it difficult to swing the left arm across the upper during the back swing. The correct way to do is it to keep the chin up and allow the left arm to move freely across the chest. This will give you the wide arc that is needed to hit the ball in the in the right direction.

Third, learn to relax because you are not able to think straight when you are pressured. When this happens, you forget tips one and two which disrupts your natural rhythm of hitting the ball the right way.

That is probably hard to do when you are in to winning the game but this is what separates the boys from the men. To get your mind off what is happening, try to block everyone out and picture yourself in your “happy place.”

Remember the movie “Happy Gilmore?” That is exactly what Adam Sandler’s character did in the movie and that helped him win despite the odds.

You might not get all these three tips overnight but if you practice regularly, you will get the hang of things. You have to remember that professional golfers also make mistakes and that they don’t always win each time they are in a tournament.

That should give you a fighting chance because you are an underdog and you have nothing to lose when you participate in the competition. Of course, things change when you have done well throughout the tour and people expect you to do just as good as you did before.

When all else fails, try to remember golf swing tip number 3 because the difference between winning and losing is attitude and that is all in your head. Until you get it right, continue practicing at home, in the golfing range and out there on the green.

Technique and attitude is what the three golf swing tips are all about. How well you perform starts the minute you tee off which is why it is important to make it count so you won’t have a hard time later on when you are only a few yards left from the hole.

If you get lucky, you may even do a “Hole in One” which does not happen very often. That will of course make you move on to the next hole that could be more challenging than the previous one.

It is all about you when you are out there on the green and success can only be achieved by following these golf swing tips.


How to Improve Your Golf Swing

The only way to improve your golf swing is with drills. In fact, there are so many to choose from so you should use your time wisely when you are on the green.

To do that, don’t just hit the ball. Assess your speed and distance control because these are factors that will affect where the ball will go.

Instead of just hitting the ball towards a hole, try working with ball markers because this will help you focus more on the stroke and not just sinking the ball. Since your ball will not always land in the same place, it is best to try putting at various distances.

That is for the short game but for the long game you have to hit the ball from one side of the green to the other. Again, watch your stroke because how well you swing will determine where the ball will land. When you walk over to where the ball landed, work again on your short game this time towards the hole and not a ball marker.

The last part of practice should always be closer to the hole. As much as possible, work on a flat surface and if you are able to sink 5 or 6 of these in a row, you can call it a day.

Aside from the physical aspect to improve your golf swing, attitude plays a significant factor as well. This will be useful before you make the putt and when the ball did not go where you wanted it to. You just have to tell yourself to do it again so you will eventually get it right.

There are also golf swing aids you can get for the hands and arms as well as markers which you can use to help you putt on a line. You can buy this from the sporting goods store but as for the marker, you can get this from the hardware store.

Practicing your golf swing does not end when you leave the golf course. In fact, you can also practice this at home by clearing a certain part of your home. If you want to practice your long game, try going to a driving range.

Improving your golf game is something that professionals strive to do even if they have won several tournaments in the past because this is the only way for them to be on top of their game. If you are just starting out, this just means that you still have a long way to go so you can be just as good as them.

Whenever possible, listen to what the professionals say during interviews or what sports commentators write about them because you can also earn a thing or two to improve your game. You don’t have to follow everything but if you have tried a few, you will realize which one of these really works.

Being a champion or a professional like one of them will not be easy and this will not happen overnight but with patience and perseverance, there is a chance that your golf swing will become better in the long run so you can be just as good as them. Something that we hope of becoming even if we are not competing in a tour just like the professionals.


Golf Shoes and the Game

Golf Shoes and the Game

Golf shoes can make or break the golfer's game. Therefore, it is vitally important that anyone, who plays the game, should be extremely careful when selecting footwear. By taking care in your selection, you will maximize your personal comfort and benefit your game. The first thing you must realize is that shoes designed for a special purpose, (such as golfing) may not fit your feet the same way as regular shoes.

You may not realize it but the dimensions of your foot can and will change over a period of time. The primary reasons for this may be gain or loss of bone density, weight gain or loss and skeletal shrinking, caused by age and osteoporosis. In addition, to the above factors, just plain old wear and tear on the feet, may cause the arches to fall and swelling of the feet by arthritis. These reasons are why it is so vital to have your foot measured for width and length, each time you buy golfing footwear or any footwear for that matter.

The question now comes up; "How do I ensure a good fit?"

Believe it or not, the first thing you should consider is the place where you are going to buy the footwear. It is not a good idea to too buy from the major discount stores. You will find that many of these discount stores may carry golfing footwear that may be cheap, but will be inferior in fit and design.

Arguably, the best place to purchase golfing footwear is the pro shop or a shop that specliazes in golfing equipment. One thing you must take into consideration is that when buying at the pro shop, the price you pay for the footwear will generally be higher than anywhere else. However, the selections will normally be of a very high quality. Also the pro shop and specialty stores will place a heavy discount on styles that have gone out of style or discontinued by the manufacture.

Yes, you should be aware of the price, but it should not be your only consideration for purchasing the footwear. Always keep in mind that your footwear will make or break your game. The fit and comfort of golf shoes should be the ultimate determing factor when making the purchase.


Achieving the Golf Swing of Pro Golfers

Developing the perfect golf swing takes time and tons of practice. It also pays to take note of how pro golfers execute their winning swings. By taking note of the following tips and taking time to work them out, you will surely be enjoying tournament successes in no time.

1. Ask any pro golfer, and he or she will tell you that the power it takes to get that ball flying does not come from the arms alone. Use your entire body to achieve maximum power. If you are used to fuelling the golf club with your arms, wrist and hands, then you might struggle at first trying to employ the rest of your body. Practice hitting the ball with using your torso and legs. Once you get the hang of swinging the club with your entire body, you will notice that you are sending that ball flying with more consistency and accuracy.

2. Swivel your shoulders perfectly each time you do a backswing. Your right forearm should be parallel to your spine and your left wrist is flat. To ensure you are doing it the right way, your elbows and arms should form a triangle. Make sure you got this effective position pat at the top of your swing – you are guaranteed a perfectly solid hit, and a more accurate one.

3. Many amateurs fail at making a solid hit because of two reasons. First, the right way of pivoting the wrist is done too late during the backswing because the takeaway is likely to be too low to the ground. Second, achieving a bad posture by swinging the club too far during the backswing, thinking this is the right way to gain power. However, taking note of a few things will help eradicate these flaws. Make sure a 45-degree angle exists between your left arm and the shaft of the club at setup. Your hands should remain as close to the ground as possible during the takeaway, while moving the head of the club upwards rapidly. Notice how your left arm is parallel to the ground and the shaft is perpendicular to it? This is about enough to prevent you from swinging your arms too far at the backswing; thus, putting off bad posture and reverse pivot.

4. Golf is an outdoor game, so it’s best of you are able to practice chipping outdoors. However, one is tempted to hit chips indoors from time to time. You can perfect your chipping with the help of a wooden rod or a busted club shaft. Get the hang of your chipping technique – just make sure that your left wrist remains solid as the club passes through the area of impact. The rod or shaft you are using will hit your left side should your left wrist give way during the impact. Practice is the key to mastering your chipping.

5. From time to time, even pro golfers get caught red handed losing flex in their back legs as they try for distance. Inconsistent swings constantly take the success out of any game of golf. It’s best if you can view your posture in a full-length mirror when you practice your swings from time to time. Start with the setup position, hold it then look at the mirror. Do the backswing, hold it and observe your posture. This will help you determine your postural flaws during your golf swing.


Choosing Golf Bags That Are Right for You

Choosing Golf Bags That Are Right for You

Playing the big courses can cause you some discomfort if you don’t have a good golf bag. While the golf bag is not essential to your playing ability or to how you score it is essential to your comfort. The golf bag will most likely be carrying not only your clubs but, the golf balls, tees, bandages, spare gloves, towels, markers and even a possible umbrella and any other golf accessories like hand drying lotion.

But how do you know what type of bag you will need? Part of that depends on what you expect to do in your travel on the course. Will you use a golf cart? Will you have caddie? Will you carry the bag? What are you planning to carry in the way of equipment?

Unless you want to do it like the pros and also have a caddy then you might just want to utilize a carry bag or a travel bag. This small bag holds the essentials if you want to carry your own items or have a junior player in mind for the bag. These bags are definitely smaller than most golfing bags but they do come in a variety of styles and sizes. The material used for these convenient bags are made of light weight materials and often come with features such as straps for easier carrying. Some of the bags have stands which hold the bag and the benefit is the clubs are manipulated more easily in and out of the bag.

If on the other hand, you want to use a cart then there is the obvious choice of a cart bag. As the name implies this is for on the golf cart. They can be compared to another type of bag called the staff bag like the pro golf players with caddies use. They carry everything in those bags. But there is a big difference in the bag made for being hauled by a cart. And that is, even though they are smaller than a staff bag they are quite awkward...as in bulky. They can be quite unmanageable. They don’t have as much storage space as other bags either.

The assumption is probably that some items can be managed on the cart instead of in the golf bag. Nonetheless it carries less than the pro style tour bag that is carried by a caddy.

Deciding on what your playing style is and what golf accessories you want with you at all times will help you determine what type of bag you want for your clubs. As well as how many bags and any additional equipment. Consider the different courses you plan on playing and how you will traverse the course. What will you need and will you have help. Think seriously about this before you choose from the available golf bags.


Golf Swing Tips

There is no argument that golf is very popular. It may not be one of the events in the Olympics but whenever there is a tournament, you can expect to see a lot of people watch both in the course and on television. You can be just as good as the pros someday if you follow these golf swing tips.

When you play golf, don’t just hit the ball as hard as you can and hope that it will make the ball land near the hole. Unlike cards, this is not chance but proper technique is involved to make it happen.

This may not happen every time because there are things beyond your control like the wind and any obstruction that lay within the path but you can just imagine how well you can do if the conditions are just perfect.

The first tip to do well when you make a golf swing is to learn how to control your body. In this game, how you raise your arm to the time that you let your club hit the ball is important. It is not only about strength that makes the ball travel far but the recoil effect.

So how do you achieve this recoil effect? This is done by not turning your body too much when you start from your right to the left. There are various aids to help you out here like working with a heavier club, getting someone to watch you, practicing in front of the mirror and recording how you swing with a video camera and playing it back.

When you turn from one side to the other, keep your hands relaxed the entire time. If you are unable to do that, you put a strain on your muscle making it hard for you to achieve the shot you desire.

To make this work, remember that the arms are an extension of something bigger because the power does not come from here but from your abs and hips which happen to be two are the largest muscles in the body.

Make it a point to always hit the ball right in the center. That way, you are able to divert it to the direction you want it to go. So you know where the ball is going, keep your eye on this until you send it flying through the air.

Aside from working on the upper body, don’t forget to work on your footing. For that to happen, make sure both feet are flat on the ground so you are able to transfer the weight from the right side until it passes a little over your left shoulder.

The golf swing tips mentioned are not hard to do. It just takes a little bit of practice so that you are able to maintain consistency each time it is your turn to putt on the green.

Just remember that when you make the first putt, you must have a relaxed grip on the club with your feet flat on the ground so you are able to swing from the right to the left with a good back swing and follow through.

From there, your ball will land within yards of the hole making it easy for you to put it in and move on to the next hole. This would take more time than anticipated if you did not make some adjustments in your golf swing.


The Making of a Bad Golf Swing

The perfect golf swing is the most important thing for a golfer of any handicap and experience. Greenhorns and veterans of the game strive to make their golf swings a little better than last weekend's 18 holes. There are a lot of instructional videos and booklets that are available to improve a golfer's swing but none of them will work if you fail to understand some of the basic concepts of what makes a golf swing bad.

The Set-up

The key element of a bad golf swing is sometimes not the golf swing itself but the most of the time it is the golfer's set-up. The set-up may pertain to different things like the golfer's clubs, his accessories, the clothes and etcetera. Some golfers think that a good set-up can make up for the lousy swing.

One of the most crucial mistakes that a golfer can make is underestimating the time spent on the set-up than the game. Some even think that they can have all the names in golf with them and just whack the ball silly. It may have worked for Happy Gilmore but it sure won't work for Average Joe and his lousy swing because Happy Gilmore is in a movie and Average Joe is not.

One of the most important things that you should remember is that the set-up should not pertain to the clothes you wear and the clubs you carry, but it should mean the preparation for your swing.

Bad Posture can kill your game

If you are one of those golfers that overlook their posture, you should think of considering a new sport because golf is not for you. It is important in golf that you know when your posture is bad. The key element of a good swing is the proper alignment of your neck and head. The straight line that is formed by your head and neck will dictate the force of the drive that you can deliver to the ball and flight. Once you are hunched over the ball it will move to either sides or fall short of the green no matter how hard you hit it.

Another important factor is balance. You should have good balance to deliver a good amount of forward thrust to your swing. And unbalanced footing usually hinders a golfer from delivering the full impact of the clubhead motion to the ball. This is because of the uneasiness that the golfer feels about his stance. Delivering a solid blow usually means your footing should be sure. Posture and balance problems can easily be corrected with practice and good habits. Once your muscle memory is comfortable with the position you want to achieve you will have no problem at all.

Chicken Wings

Chicken wings are good especially after a good game of golf. But when you bring your chicken wings to the game, things will definitely turn out for the worse. It is better that you leave your chicken wings in a basket at home where they can be the perfect in game munchies.

When we say a chicken wing this means a bad habit a golfer may be doing when taking a swing. When putting or in a putting game, letting your arm and wrist go limp is what you call a chicken wing. What happens after this is that the golfer's arm goes flying up in the air losing all the power to your swing.

Golfers who tend to take their swings lightly usually commit chicken wings. When you lose the power of your swing it usually ends up chopping or slicing your golf swing.


Planning Your Next Golf Vacation

Planning Your Next Golf Vacation

For the golf enthusiast, nothing is quite as refreshing as going on a golf vacation. There is the chance to put work and other concerns to the side and focus on doing something that one enjoys. Of course, there are several different ways to plan a vacation that is built around the theme of golf. Here are a couple of suggestions that you may want to consider as you plan out your holiday.

If you are interested in finding a single spot to set up camp for the duration of your vacation, then you may want to check into resorts that cater to golf enthusiasts. These types of resorts will usually have excellent courses that you can play, as well as a professional trainer that can help you with your game. You get to play on your own schedule, as much or as little each day as you prefer. The pace for your vacation will be laid back and easy. Many find this to be the ideal combination of resting and enjoying a favored sport.

For those who are looking for more action, you can take to a rolling vacation that allows you to play one of the golf trails that takes you to different courses around the country. Here you have the thrill of being able to play on some of the best golf courses in the nation, often playing on courses that have accommodated some of your sport heroes in the past. The structure of this type of vacation does mean you will travel around more, and certainly have a set schedule to follow. But it you enjoy moving about and are interested in playing multiple course, this is the vacation solution for you.

The whole point of going on a holiday is to enjoy doing something that you want to do. By understanding what you want to get out of your time away from work and other responsibilities, you can make arrangements for the type of golf vacation that will be both fun and refreshing.


Why bother with a Golf Cart Cover?

Why bother with a Golf Cart Cover?

If you look around most country clubs you will see that just about every golf cart not in use has a golf cart cover. There are actually some very good reasons for this. Here are a few reasons why the covers are considered to be important.

One of the first things to consider about the covers for golf carts is that they keep the golf carts comfortable for the golfers. The very nature of the golf cart is that it is open. A golf cart that spends a good bit of the day in the sun before it is pressed into usage will have very hot seats and a hot steering wheel. The covers shield the interior of the cart form the warming effects of the sun when the cart is not in use. This means the cart will be perfectly comfortable for sitting and driving when it is called into duty.

Covers on golf carts also help to protect the units when bad weather comes up suddenly. Any type of conveyance is subject to developing problems if not protected from the elements. The sue of covers on carts when they are not in use helps to cut down on the incidence of repairs that have to be made due to extremes in cold or rain. This includes cosmetic repairs as well as mechanical repairs. The maintenance aspect of the use of covers for the carts helps to lengthen the life of the golf cart, which is certainly in the best interests of the club or course that owns the carts.

Protecting an investment in equipment as well as ensuring the comfort of the guests are both important reasons to consider the use of covers with each and every golf cart found at any course or club. Keep in mind that longer life means lower overall costs to the patrons of the establishment. From that perspective you can also say that the golf cart cover is helping to keep your costs for enjoying your favorite sport within reason as well.


A Golf Holiday Can Be Therapeutic As Well As Fun

A Golf Holiday Can Be Therapeutic As Well As Fun

A golf holiday should be used for the opportunity to get away from the stress of your life and work day. In other words it should relax and refresh you after spending the weekend or trip golfing.

Think about this for a moment. Most golfing days you are going to be outside in the sun and fresh air. You are going to be in the good company of your family and friends, while getting some exercise that will benefit your body’s health. Just the walking alone will be a great stress reliever.

If all the members of your family don't play the game, most of the private clubs and some public courses have other activities to engage every member of the family. In today’s modern clubs you will find a first class swimming pool, a spa, electronic game room with computers, weight lifting room and many other enjoyments for all.

Think of the quality time you could spend with your children teaching them the fundamental of a great sport. You may discover that you have the next great 'Tiger Woods' in your family. The children will benefit both physically and mentally by the exercise while being outdoors.

A great thing about a golf holiday is that it does not have to be expensive. Simply take the time to check the golfing packages with you local travel agent. Often times they can find a club that will have special discount when the whole family is involved. These packages can include everything from discounted airfare, accommodations, theme park discounts and discount booklets for great shopping and eating. Let's face it, if you have daughters, nothing will please them more to be on a shopping trip with their Mom and friends.

A well planned trip will be the primary catalyst to keeping the trip stress free. To gain the maximum benefit, the golfer and his or her family, should plan these excursions well in

advance of the scheduled date for departure. The golf holiday will allow you to return home relaxed, rested and ready to face the challenges of your daily life.


The History of Calloway Golf Products

The History of Calloway Golf Products

The company that makes Calloway golf products has an interesting history. Begun as one man’s dream in 1982, it was the inspiration of Ely Callaway; a man who at that time was running a vineyard. He had seen some golf clubs and liked the way they were made so much that he decided to invest heavily into the company manufacturing them. The company was moved to the west coast, the name changed to reflect the largest owner and new CEO. Calloway struggled at first until they hired a designer to improve on the way the clubs were made. They used innovative technology and began making their clubs with machines which were designed specifically to make sure the quality of the heads of the putters was constantly well made. This was a revolutionary approach and it was the beginning of the success of the brand. By the early 1990s this company had become the leading manufacturer of golf clubs.

In the early 2000s the company expanded again. This time is was by adding many new products lines beginning with better designed golf balls and golf clothes. This company holds over one hundred patents on new and improved golf equipment. Another way that the company improved their product line was by having professional golfers on staff. In this way they were able to test their golf equipment with people that really knew the game; people who had played it a lifetime, committing themselves completely to the game. Those staff members knew if what the company was working on was a good idea for golf, or merely for making money. It seemed that the company was able to combine the two; not losing sight of either advantage.

They not only have a line of women’s golf equipment to compliment their men’s line but they carry a line of golf clothing for both genders, clubs, ball, bags for adults and children as well as better sunglasses for wearing when playing golf. The Calloway golf products company also has a quarterly magazine for golfers who want to learn a little more about this most popular sport.


Preparing for Your First Golf Lesson

Preparing for Your First Golf Lesson

Once you have decided that a golf lesson is in order for you, there are several things you should do in order to properly prepare for your first one. Here are a few suggestions that will help you with the preparation, and hopefully create an environment where you get the most from those lessons.

One of the first things to address is the type of clothing you will wear. Forget the stereotypical clashing prints and patterns that you see on television shows. What you are going for is clothing that will allow your body to move freely. Avoid wearing anything that is so tight that it restricts your movement. At the same time, don't wear baggy clothing. Oversized pieces have a tendency to bunch and inhibit your movement at just the wrong time. Go with clothing that fits but will move with your body rather than restrict or interfere with the movement in any way.

Next, your instructor will most likely have a list of exercise or practice swings he or she will want to go through with you during that first lesson. Generally, you will receive a document with instructions on the basics of proper stance, swing and other matter related to the game. Go ahead and practice those in advance. Your instructor will then be able to help you make any minor corrections to form and swing that may be required, and then be able to move on to more intricate matters of instruction.

Above all, make up your mind that you are going to listen to your instructor carefully and do your best to follow through on how you are taught. For now, put aside what friends and relatives have told you to do. The point of taking lessons for golf is to learn the proper way to handle the basics of the game. Once you master those, then you can begin to experiment a little with input from loved ones.

Playing golf is meant to be a means of having some fun and achieving some relaxation as well. By keeping these three simple suggestions in mind, you will be sure to get the most out of your golf lesson, and hopefully be on your way to enjoying the sport for the rest of your life.


Practice Makes Perfect after Working on Some Golf Swing Drills

You don’t become a great player overnight. This is because it takes to learn to learn the ins and outs of a sport and in the game of golf you don’t just hit the ball as far as you can so it can reach the hole. This is achieved by first working on some golf swing drills.

But why are golf swing drills important? This is because from the moment you raise the club in the air until the moment it goes down, proper technique will ensure that the ball will travel and land close to the hole as possible.

In golf, you start the game by teeing the ball. If you are new to the game, you probably hit the ball or sliced through it. The end result is that the ball will not travel as far as you want.

So you can improve your golf swing, you must first check on your grip because this controls the club face. You should make sure that you are forming the letter “V” with your thumb and forefinger on each hand and that these are pointed towards the trailing side shoulder.

Don’t forget to relax because holding the club too tight with your hands will make it hard to get a good shot.

If you are practicing this drill, ask someone to watch if you are doing this correctly. If there is no one around, try to watch yourself in front of the mirror or record it using a video camera then play it back.

The important thing to watch out for when you practice this drill is your follow through. Some people start strong but then shift positions later on. The proper way of doing it is to make sure the toe of the club points up and the trailing side is released over your lead hand.

It is also possible that you are not maximizing your golf swing if you are not in the right position when you take the shot. To do this correctly, imagine that you and the ball are inside a small square. Better yet, put some masking tape on the floor and then practice swinging.

If this is not the problem for your shots, check on your divots. If the angle is to shallow, you should practice hitting the ball on a side hill below the feet. Should this angle be too deep, do the exact opposite. Hit the ball on a side hill above the feet.

Some golfers have a problem with their flat swing. If you are one of them, do some swings with your back 6 inches away from a wall. If you don’t butt or your back does not come into contact with the wall, then you are doing this correctly.

In golf, the winner is determined by whoever has the least number of strokes after completing 18 holes. The golf swing drills mentioned are very simple so you don’t have to buy anything to improve your game. You just have to make some adjustments to your form with the help of coach, a mirror or a camera. If you are able to make the necessary improvements, there is no doubt that you will perform much better in your next golf game.


Golf Instruction

Golf Instruction

Golf instruction will make the golfer improve his game. It is available in many different forms. Lessons and sources of information abound that can help you better your game. You can learn tips and imitate the moves of your golf idols by knowing where to get the lessons that you need.

Sources of knowledge for the improvement of your golf games can be found almost anywhere. The internet is one of the best sources of this knowledge. You can also purchase books, videos, magazines or enroll at golf instruction schools to polish your skills and help you play like a pro.

It helps to know the basics of golfing. Learn to analyze the wind and play with it. But first, you must possess the right club for downhill and uphill shots. You must also know how to read the greens in order to plan your swing and adjust for breaks.

Weather conditions have a big impact on the attitude of the ball. A golf player must be aware of these scenarios and know what distances he has to maintain from the tee.

You have to know the secrets on how to hit a ball longer. There is a science and a new technology to enable you to do this.

You have to develop your own shot pattern and improve it to acquire lower scores. These things are only among the basics that a golfer must learn. They can all be acquired from a good source of information. That is the golfer’s first job. To know where to best acquire the knowledge that you need. It helps to find the right place to acquire this knowledge. So you have to scout around for the best source before you dig into your pocket for the payment. But there are also places where you can acquire the golf instruction you need for free.


What Golf Equipment Do you Need?

What Golf Equipment Do you Need?

When first playing the game of golf one needs to understand what golf equipment should be purchased. The clubs are divided into three groups. There are woods, irons and putters. Each one of these clubs has a different purpose and to play the game well a golfer needs to know which pieces should be used to make which types of shots. So, before playing the first time it is wise to read up on the uses of the individual types of gold clubs.

The woods actually originally had wooden heads which is where the name came from. These are used when the player is trying to make the ball go very far. A wood will be used to make the first shot off the golf tee. The way this golf club is different is because of the way the head is angled. The irons were named because these had heads made of metal. They are used more in the middle when the player is trying to get closer to the hole. Putters are used specifically for short distance shots. This is because they are better at making shots that require more accuracy. You will see these clubs used on the putting green when a player is trying to sink the ball into the hole.

Most golfers choose their gear based on a recommended set of no more than fourteen clubs. It is common for there to be a putter, two wedges, three woods and a group of irons. The irons will have different numbers which denotes what they are best for. The angle of the heads is what makes them different.

The golf clubs are not all that a player needs to enjoy this sport. They must also have tees to place their balls on, a good golf bag to hold everything and the right balls to hit along the course. Many golfers will suggest to new players that before buying a set it may be wise to rent golf gear to have the opportunity to experience the different styles, weights and grips that are available. Golf equipment can be very expensive and you want to be certain to buy the right items the first time.


7 Tips to Make Your Golf Tournament a Success

7 Tips to Make Your Golf Tournament a Success

Most people generally think of a golf tournament as a huge event that is planned by private clubs and professional organizations. The fact is that you as an individual can plan and orchestrate a successful event. Now the first question that more than likely popped into your mind is "How in the world could I do that?” The following 7 tips will help simplify the process for you.

1. If you have never planned a golfing event, of any magnitude, seek out the advice of your friendly golfing pro and the club manager. If they are worth their salt they will be able to guide you and answer every question you have.

2. If it’s a charity event be sure and check all the rules and regulations in your location. Doing so will keep you from violating any tax regulations or breaking any laws. If necessary you can always hire a professional charity planner to guide and direct you.

3. Are you planning on having an awards dinner and trophies presentation? If so be sure and consult with the clubs chef and dinning room manager. Plan your menu carefully and be sure and stay within the budget that you have set.

4. How are you going to get the word out about your golfing event? If it’s a charity event many TV and Radio stations will run spots for the event as a Public Service. A press release to the newspapers will often result in additional exposure. E-mails to friends and neighbors and ask them to contact their friends and so fourth. A direct mailing of a professional brochure is another way to raise interest. Don't forget local signage at least 30 days ahead of the event. Again a professional fundraiser can advise as to additional steps you can take.

5. An extremely important tip is that you get firm commitments from your sponsors. This should be done as soon as the date has been firmed up. Many sponsors budget their advertisement expenses a year ahead of time.

6. Have you thought about a guest 'Celebrity Golfer'? This also should be arranged as far in advance as possible. A national or local celebrity may be in high demand, thus unable to attend, if not given enough advance planning time.

7. Awards, trophies and special promotion items should be ordered as early as practicable. This will ensure that if one of the items doesn't come in on time, you will still be able to place a backup order.

These are just a few tips that can help your golf tournament be an outstanding event and enjoyed by all.


Quick Guide to Motorized Golf Carts

Quick Guide to Motorized Golf Carts

Motorized golf carts come in two varieties – the push/pull type to which the golf bag is strapped, or the little motor car style type to drive around the course.

Car style motorized golf carts are electric or gasoline powered. They first came about in the 1940s to help those with disabilities to get around the course but are enjoyed by many players today.

The typical speed limit of these motorized golf carts is around 15-20 MPH. It may have one, two, four or six seats, to transport the whole group during the game.

Care should always be taken on the course in motorized golf carts. Your golf club may have a set of rules to observe with carts, but much is down to common sense and generally this will include using consideration for where it is driven and parked, taking care to protect the greens and not leave tire marks – particularly during or after wet weather, not overloading the cart and keeping body parts inside it, remember to use the brakes properly on stopping and don't drink and drive!

Push/pull style motorized golf carts might also be subject to rules at the golf club, such as the width of the tires to prevent damage to turf and keeping them to the edges of the green. They can make the game far more enjoyable for those who don't like the physical effort involved in wheeling the golf bag around in non-motorized golf carts.

These carts are run by battery, are made by a number of manufacturers and can be found in many golfing and online stores. Kaddy Karts, CA, have a large range including the RoboKaddy – apparently “no other cart has the ability to go in reverse”. An Internet search for “motorized golf carts” will provide plenty of links to many different carts to enable you to choose which suits your needs.


Learning the Secrets of a Good Golf Swing

Learning the Secrets of a Good Golf Swing

Learning how to perform a good golf swing is not a simple process. Many people feel that the more swing they put into it the farther the ball will go. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The proper from, how the club is held and how the body moves when the player is about to strike the ball, all must come together to make the right motion before hitting the ball. Most golf pros will tell you that the worst thing that a player can do is over analyze their swing. They will say that thinking is detrimental to their game. It is not how the swing looks, but if the movement has the right fluidity to hit the ball fast and far, or gently into the hole.

The key to a good swing is the motion. It must have a rhythm to it that the player can repeat each time they are ready to hit the ball. This, of course, requires lots of practice, but practice is the key to a well played game of golf. To begin the motion the club must work with the person’s body. The backswing is not where the speed is. It is the beginning of the motion. The fluidity and speed must come on the downswing. The power in the downswing originates from the motion of the backswing. This motion will be from the power of the arms. It is not in the hands; only the club is. A successful player must learn this difference.

The downswing connects with the ball, sending it in the direction and for the purpose the player is looking for. That can be when the swing is for the first shot when the player wants to get it as far as possible or when it is the end when the purpose is to sink the ball in the hole. This requires a different type of swing, a more controlled and guided one. Too many times those who are just learning the game angle to the wrong side in their attempts to get the ball to move fast. This is one of those things that a good golf pro can help to correct. Many people find that it is best to be taught the right way to make a golf swing instead of having to be untaught early bad habits.

Stiff Competition in the Making of Golf Shoes

Stiff Competition in the Making of Golf Shoes

Golf shoes should be made of the highest quality materials and must provide the highest level of comfort for your feet during a golf game. Footwear of golfers must satisfy various criteria. They have to be stylish, comfortable and durable. Also, they have to be performance-enhancing while keeping the price at a competitive level. These shoes have to be carefully picked. This is important because they could mean winning or losing the game. If the golf player is uneasy with the shoes he is wearing, the game is surely affected a great deal. No one expect a person to perform well when the soles of his feet are aching from the shoes he is wearing. Even walking at this instance could seem like a burden.

Shoes for golfers are available for all skill levels. From the amateurs to the best players, there are models available for every one. They can vary from latest technology of waterproof shoes down to the sandals suitable for the hot days of summer golfing. Comfortable ground-gripping, form-fitting shoes enable the player to enjoy the game and lower their scores significantly.

Manufacturers of top quality shoes for golfers are locked into stiff competition. They combine the highest level of technology and the best among raw materials. They have to innovate all the time in order to come up with the best products that can measure up to the demands of the market. Competition keep them aiming to do better. No single manufacturer will want to be left behind. Among the best brands that continuously aim for perfection are Callaway, Nike, Adidas, Footjoy, Etonic, Dexter and Dunlop. Golf players can search these brand names for the shoes that will be their ally in winning that golf game. So go and search for that golf shoes that can make your feet experience the highest level of comfort and dryness all through the golf game.


Golf Gift Selection

Golf Gift Selection

Are you looking for a golf gift that will make your friend thrilled? No worries. There are many gift items in the market and on the internet that are golf related. They are so fantastic that they are sure to delight every golf lover you know. You can start by knowing what your friend already possesses and look for something that he still does not have. Among the many gift items that are sure to please your friend are the following:

Golf GPS is one of the most wanted golf accessories of the year. They are easy to use and to navigate. Today’s GPS can be easily mapped and they are now equipped with golf statistics software. These features are sure to make your friend confident in playing the game and lowering his score.

Magnetic bracelets are sure therapeutic gifts that can ease the tiredness of the hands. They are not only for looking good, but for feeling good as well. What else can be better than a trendy way to ease the aches and pain of the hands?

Golf shoes and gear storage are another gift item favorite. They will make your friend’s golfing accessories organized and easy to bring along.

Give your loved one a putter stand to hold the putter and keep it organized and safe.

For your golf enthusiast friend, give him a personalized golf coaster set to keep him entertained.

High power golf scopes are also a sure hit. This will make your friend view the yard and plan his move beforehand. This is a very helpful gadget for golfers.

You will never run out of ideas. There are a lot more items available for gifts. You just have to look around and choose what pleases you most. There are even golf ball buckets, trendy golf slippers, golf practice cages and a lot more. There are even items for the kids. You can give them a golf club inclusive of rolling bag, iron, driver, putter and other little accessories that goes along with the club. Go choose the best golf gift now.


The Simple Golf Swing

While golf is a game with a simple concept, which is that you are supposed to hit a ball towards a hole at the other side, there is much difficulty in that task. Eighty percent of all golfers don't get to achieve a handicap of less than 18. This is simply because of inconsistency in their golf swing. While you may have difficulties, it should be simple as the only thing that you really need to achieve is consistency.

Achieving this golden consistency can help you hit the ball square, letting you go at longer distances every time and shave off 7-10 or more strokes off your score. The key principle to consistency is to have a simple golf swing. It is a swing where there is no wasted movement and is easy to do, no matter what. The best way to do anything, whether it is golf or anything else, is to keep it simple.


One of the secrets to a good golf swing is to have a stable spine which you can work around. Keeping it straight will enable you to use your spine as an axis for your body rotation. Most golfers with high handicaps have a lot of unnecessary movements, swaying as they swing. This makes them waste a lot of energy in those movements and not let them focus on the ball itself. The best way to achieve that consistency is to coil around your spine and limit hip rotation. This will let you put power into your golf swing.

Limit Hip Movement

By having a stable spine, you are to limit hip rotation in your swing. Hip rotation is good for other sports like boxing, but it is no good in golf. Hip rotation will cause you to sway as you swing, which makes it ineffective. Only swing around your spine, and you can take the sway away from your swing.


Power is crucial in a golf swing. You can get this by not swinging the club too far back as all you need is to coil around your spine. This is a key in getting power.

Those are three basic principles you need to keep in mind - swing around a stable spine, limit your hip rotation, and shorten your backswing as you don't really need to swing it back to parallel. These can help you achieve efficient movement in your swing.

The thing you have to remember is that the best golf swing does not have a lot of movement to it at all. Professional golfers understand this principle, and that is why they have such low scores. By keeping it simple, they can achieve consistency in their swings and hit the ball right at the center.

A simple golf swing helps a player perform even at the harshest and most nerve-wracking of conditions. When you have trained well and long and hard, your body “becomes” the golf swing itself, as some golfers put it, and almost effortlessly, your swing becomes consistent. By achieving the most perfect golf swing for you, your confidence will be increased.

This will let you play without distractions even in tournament play, where the pressure can faze other people out. Once you get it, all you need to tune up is your mental game.


How to Find the Perfect Golf Course

How to Find the Perfect Golf Course

So you are out and about traveling around looking for a new golf course to play on. You’ve brought your golf clubs just in case you happen across a fine course that looks like it would be fun to play on – but the chances are slim that you will just run into a course while you are on a leisurely drive. Short of using the phone book’s yellow pages, how else are you supposed to find some new links in your neighborhood that you can enjoy? You could always ask around to see where your buddies all play golf – or you can go high tech and enter the whole new world of using the Internet to determine where you should play.

Let’s face it – no single person knows where each and every great golf course in the world is. Sure, you have probably heard about a few amazing courses that you would just love to play on, but getting to them may take a heck of a lot of work. On the other hand, you can always ask your friends and other golfers where they prefer to golf – but once again, you will only get a few answers as to which courses are any good.

Using the Internet though can open your eyes to a whole new world full of golfing amazement. With websites like the Golf Course Guide leading the way, you can quickly and easily find just about any course you can imagine. From there, you are just a few clicks away from getting a full rating of that course which you can use to judge whether or not that course would be suitable for you. All it takes is a few short minutes of browsing around online before you can be out hitting the links on a golf course that suits your needs to a tee.


Electric and Gas Powered Golf Carts

Electric and Gas Powered Golf Carts

Powered golf carts come in gasoline or electric powered varieties. Walking powered golf carts are electric; and driven ones can be either type.

Electric powered golf carts are typically powered by a 12 volt battery. Charging time and distance traveled per charge will vary. A full charge may need to run overnight but all should easily be able to cope with a whole round of golf. To charge, it can usually be plugged into the mains.

Units are available, such as the Solo, which can convert ordinary push carts into powered golf carts. These clip onto the frame and are easy to remove again in order to fold and store the cart as normal.

Electric powered golf carts which can be driven usually have a 36 or 48 volt battery. Again, charging and usage times will vary, but expect to charge overnight for a full day of use. Electric powered golf carts are more popular then gas powered, partly due to environmental concerns and the fact that the power in them has improved over the last few years making them a more enjoyable alternative to gas.

Gas powered golf carts generally use ordinary gas, but a few diesel models are available. One drawback of gas powered golf carts is that you may need to carry an extra can of gas in case of emergency. Also, gas powered carts are restricted in some areas. In 1997, the California Air Resources Board restricted their sale within regions which don't meet specified air quality standards. The pollution factor of using gas powered golf carts may also be a consideration for many users in areas where they are not restricted.

The latest innovation in powered golf carts is the solar powered variety. A solar panel is installed on the roof to charge the battery, so charging can take place during play. Future carts will possibly be hydrogen or hybrid fuel cell powered.


Take the Slice Away from Your Golf Swing

All golfers want that perfect golf swing that they can always rely on. It is a swing that can be used effectively with either a wood or iron. You can tee off and drive with it, adapting to changes in wind and terrain. It is a swing that can get you out of bad situations like bunkers and even water. It is a swing that is as simple as it can get, yet can be versatile and dependable.

That isn’t happening though if your swing has slice.

Perfecting that golf swing definitely isn't easy, no matter how you look at it. It takes a lot of experimentation and practice to get the kinks out of the swing. However, the real fact about this is that it is actually simpler than you think. It is mostly about what you do during your swing.


One tip that always works is to always keep your swing simple. With as few movements as possible, you can take away unnecessary movements that may be both a waste of energy and bad for your swing. There is no real need for your elbows to bend during the swing and you have to only pivot with your feet as you follow through. There is no need to take an extra step or anything, which can skew with the shot.


Of course, if you can't improve by yourself, then get a coach who can teach you the finer points of improving your golf swing. Balance and correct positioning are crucial to a good golf swing. However, without rhythm, you can never achieve these two things. You are to ensure that you can have a smooth rhythm in your swing to fix whatever you need to fix. You can hum a tune, sing a song, count, or do whatever is necessary to get a rhythm down to swing correctly.

Hand and Wrist Position

Another tip is to always mind hand and wrist position. One of the major causes of slicing is that the club is twisted during the swing, which makes it hit the ball in a crooked manner, driving it in directions other than straight ahead. This is due to the hands and wrists twisting during the swing because of wrong positioning. The technique must be refined in order to correct this mistake.

Interlocking your hands by connecting the little and ring finger of your dominant hand with the index and middle finger of your complementary hand (never call that other hand 'weak') to solve this problem. This can help you prevent that unnecessary twist with a little practice. It can also help you improve in terms of accuracy and distance.

Straighten Your Spine

Always have your spine straight and acting as an axis for your swing. The importance of spine alignment can never be understated when it comes to golf. Imagine yourself as a pendulum with your spine as the point of axis. This can help you simplify your golf swing in a great deal.

Hip Rotation

With that spine straight and fingers interlocked, you must also remove excess hip rotation in your golf swing. While lots of hip rotation is something that can make a punch stronger, this is not boxing. In golf, that hip rotation causes slicing, and that can damage your game. Therefore, you must keep hip rotation as minimum as it is required. However, don't mistake this for removing hip rotation in your swing as it is still required to generate power in your swing.

Therefore, study how much hip rotation is needed to improve your swing. These tips, along with lots of practice, can help you remove that slice and achieve distance and accuracy in your golf swing.

Private Golf Club Communities in Florida

Private Golf Club Communities in Florida

With all the golf courses available in the world a person might wonder what you might get if you join a private golf club. You can find many good public courses but the tendency of a private club to offer some benefits that you won’t find at a public course can often make it the right decision.

Do you want to swim, have happy hour, have parties, other activities, other sports like tennis, things for the children to do while you golf, and how about a variety of food options? Well if you consider the many different private clubs and what is available it could be well worth it...or is it? You might be able to find a lot of this in a public golf community but there will be one major difference at least and that is...

Who has ownership in the club...?

You want to join a club that offers an equity in the club. As a member you would receive all the benefits offered by the private club but would also be a part owner. Be sure to research into a private golfing clubs benefits and ownership types. Keeping ownership with the members reduces a lot of possible fee assessments with each new project. What are some private clubs to check into more?

If you want to explore an area like Florida here are some communities that might fit what you need in a private golf community.

In the Tampa Bay area you will find The Champions Club situated in the tri county area it includes Hillsborough, Pasco, and Pinellas Counties. There are many golfing villages or communities enveloped by a golf atmosphere and Mediterranean environment. You can get a home right up near the course with it almost in your back yard or farther away. The Private Club type community of golfing is great for a day of sun and fun without having to leave.

If you want to fish too you would want to consider an area in Tarpon Springs like Lansbrook. This private golfing club has a course that is not only a challenge but beautiful as well. It has wonderful homes, a lake and great fishing. Don't forget the boating. They also have daily fee golf.

These private golf communities usually have:

* A Private 18 hole golf course

* Private clubhouse

* A pool

* A Fitness center

* Restaurant facilities

* A pro shop on location

Whether you are looking for a private live in golf community or a private club you will likely find what you are looking for. Just keep in mind how your investment will benefit you the most. Is it just investment in the many benefits of a club or the investment of a home with a private club or member ownership equity type club? The choice is yours because there are plenty of opportunities.

So find the private community that suits your golfing pleasures and needs. You might want to take advantage of the golfing pros there at some of these places to assist you; many even have PGA pros on staff. You might be very business oriented and want a conference room available where you can have a meeting before or after golf. There is an additional benefit to joining a private golf club of any kind and that would be the networking opportunities available to you as a member to find business associates or friends. Circulate with the other members who are often people seeking what you have or that are going to be ale to make the connection that you need. It's really all about golf but with an emphasis on a club; a private golf club.


Golf Clubhouse Food and More

Golf Clubhouse Food and More

A golf clubhouse offers a wide variety of services and facilities. And one never needs to leave hungry after a round of golf. What might you find at a clubhouse? We will explore that here.

Most clubhouses on the green offer nice clean showers and locker rooms as a basic starter. A lot of them already supply the towels and such things as soap or shower gel and shampoo. All you need to bring is your clean change of clothes. This might be a big plus if you are planning on dining after the game.

If you want to really relax and get loosened up after the game then try a course that has an offering of spa and massage. Could there be a better way to relax or soothe sore muscles and joints then a spa treatment in a hot tub and an hour long massage with oil after a good or bad game.

After the massage you are sure to be hungry and the clubhouses these days have some great food right on up to gourmet even. You can find some clubhouses that serve up wonderful appetizer, meal, and dessert to die for while you sit in front of some handsome large TVs and overlook the golf course.

You might want to simply go out to the course to just dine there are some clubhouses serving up such good food. Many of these clubhouses are available to the public and offer much more than mentioned already. Such as a picturesque view of the landscaping and course and many of them have nice decks outside.

Whether you want to have a meal with friends or an after or between rounds drink you are likely to find what you want.

Want something like a luncheon at the grill with friends but no golf or to sit at a bar that serves beer aside from the dining you are sure to find that too.

There are clubhouses that offer a banquet facility and world class cuisine. Not to mention that you can host a celebration at a ballroom or any special event in some of these beautiful and often huge golf clubhouses. Just check with the clubhouse and find out what they have available and let them know what you have in mind.

There isn’t much you can’t have these days when you seek a round of golf. You can have a full upscale or carefree outing at just about any golf clubhouse in the world today.


The Anatomy of a Golf Swing

Many people envy the likes of Tiger Woods because of his world championship winning golf swing. To the avid golfer, the joy of watching these pros in action and seeing the way they swing the club to hit the ball is a joy like no other. To a true lover of the sport the perfection of the swing is the Holy Grail of golf. The golf swing is the defining skill that separates the greenhorn from the veteran and the golfer from the poser.

Because of the popularity of golf in almost all of the countries of the world, many people have come up with instructional guides, books and CDs that could help improve the golfer's swing. Some of them are effective with some people and some of them are not. The reason behind this difference in the output is the human anatomy. There are no two people that are exactly alike in the same way no two golf swings are alike. Because of the body structure of some people, there are techniques that really don't work for them.

For example a stocky golfer would have a hard time matching the flexibility and nimbleness of a slender golfer and in return the slender golfer will have a hard time matching the power of the swing of the stocky golfer. Because of the stockiness of golfer A, he is able to use his broad shoulders in smashing the golf club far, but because of the nimbleness and flexibility of golfer B he is able to reach farther behind his back to give his club a wider range of motion for the swing creating a higher velocity impact on the ball.

The outcome of the distance of the two golfer's swing maybe the same but the technique is different with each golfer. This difference in technique is because of the difference of the body type.

Another way to look at your golf swing is with the help of mathematics and a little bit of physics. When you look at it this way you will be able to see the impact of the numbers on your game. A study shows that most professional golf players achieve a club head speed of 100 miles per hour at the very bottom of their swing right before they hit the ball. Tiger Woods can swing up to 125 miles per hour that means he can hit 25 mph faster that other pros.

He achieves this by reaching farther back on his set up that most golfers. Physicist have already studied golf in relation to the angular motion and the torque force that changes the angle of the club when it hits the ball. Velocity is also an important factor in your golf swing. Almost all club heads weigh the same and for a golfer to hit the ball farther they need to achieve maximum club velocity or they must have higher club head speed at the bottom of their swing.

One of the most common misconceptions that a golfer has is snapping the wrist right before impact is like pressing the nitro button in the straightaway lane. When golfers do this they are actually slowing down the velocity of the clubhead making the golf swing lighter. This is a bad habit that should be avoided.

This usually happens when a golfer is standing to close to the ball during the golf swing.