Tips for Golf Lessons
Golf lessons may be either formal or informal. The formal sessions of course would be given by someone with an outstanding ability to play golf and have the gift of being able to teach. Informal instruction, on the other hand, may be given by just about anyone that can hold a club or something as simple as reading a book.
Prior to taking on a golfing instructor or instructions of any type, today's golfer must determine what level of play he or she wants to develop the game to. In making this determination the 'duffer' should also determine the depth of his or her wallet. Budget restraints will determine how far you may be able to develop your game.
If the budget is a major consideration, today's golfer does not have to break the bank while learning to play. The new rookie player should check out a book from the local library on the rules of golf. However, as you will not learn the rules overnight, it will behoove you to purchase your own book. You do not have to spend top dollar acquiring a copy. You can purchase a used copy on line from E-bay or
If you have difficulty visualizing the instruction from the book a more expedite way of learning would be from instructions on a compact disk or digital video disk. These disks will provide the written text as well as a video demonstration of the strokes you are attempting to learn. The great advantage of this method of learning is that you can repeat the demonstration over and over until you could do it in your sleep.
The disadvantage of course is that you cannot take the video disk to the playing course with you.
However, once you have learned the basics and rules of the game, you can take your level of play, to the next step by playing and observing other players. It is important to play with someone who is qualified and competent to teach you. Otherwise you will find yourself learning all the bad habits as well as the good habits of your teacher.
Golf lessons will increase the fun of playing the game and shorten the learning curve.