
What Golf Equipment Do you Need?

What Golf Equipment Do you Need?

When first playing the game of golf one needs to understand what golf equipment should be purchased. The clubs are divided into three groups. There are woods, irons and putters. Each one of these clubs has a different purpose and to play the game well a golfer needs to know which pieces should be used to make which types of shots. So, before playing the first time it is wise to read up on the uses of the individual types of gold clubs.

The woods actually originally had wooden heads which is where the name came from. These are used when the player is trying to make the ball go very far. A wood will be used to make the first shot off the golf tee. The way this golf club is different is because of the way the head is angled. The irons were named because these had heads made of metal. They are used more in the middle when the player is trying to get closer to the hole. Putters are used specifically for short distance shots. This is because they are better at making shots that require more accuracy. You will see these clubs used on the putting green when a player is trying to sink the ball into the hole.

Most golfers choose their gear based on a recommended set of no more than fourteen clubs. It is common for there to be a putter, two wedges, three woods and a group of irons. The irons will have different numbers which denotes what they are best for. The angle of the heads is what makes them different.

The golf clubs are not all that a player needs to enjoy this sport. They must also have tees to place their balls on, a good golf bag to hold everything and the right balls to hit along the course. Many golfers will suggest to new players that before buying a set it may be wise to rent golf gear to have the opportunity to experience the different styles, weights and grips that are available. Golf equipment can be very expensive and you want to be certain to buy the right items the first time.


7 Tips to Make Your Golf Tournament a Success

7 Tips to Make Your Golf Tournament a Success

Most people generally think of a golf tournament as a huge event that is planned by private clubs and professional organizations. The fact is that you as an individual can plan and orchestrate a successful event. Now the first question that more than likely popped into your mind is "How in the world could I do that?” The following 7 tips will help simplify the process for you.

1. If you have never planned a golfing event, of any magnitude, seek out the advice of your friendly golfing pro and the club manager. If they are worth their salt they will be able to guide you and answer every question you have.

2. If it’s a charity event be sure and check all the rules and regulations in your location. Doing so will keep you from violating any tax regulations or breaking any laws. If necessary you can always hire a professional charity planner to guide and direct you.

3. Are you planning on having an awards dinner and trophies presentation? If so be sure and consult with the clubs chef and dinning room manager. Plan your menu carefully and be sure and stay within the budget that you have set.

4. How are you going to get the word out about your golfing event? If it’s a charity event many TV and Radio stations will run spots for the event as a Public Service. A press release to the newspapers will often result in additional exposure. E-mails to friends and neighbors and ask them to contact their friends and so fourth. A direct mailing of a professional brochure is another way to raise interest. Don't forget local signage at least 30 days ahead of the event. Again a professional fundraiser can advise as to additional steps you can take.

5. An extremely important tip is that you get firm commitments from your sponsors. This should be done as soon as the date has been firmed up. Many sponsors budget their advertisement expenses a year ahead of time.

6. Have you thought about a guest 'Celebrity Golfer'? This also should be arranged as far in advance as possible. A national or local celebrity may be in high demand, thus unable to attend, if not given enough advance planning time.

7. Awards, trophies and special promotion items should be ordered as early as practicable. This will ensure that if one of the items doesn't come in on time, you will still be able to place a backup order.

These are just a few tips that can help your golf tournament be an outstanding event and enjoyed by all.


Quick Guide to Motorized Golf Carts

Quick Guide to Motorized Golf Carts

Motorized golf carts come in two varieties – the push/pull type to which the golf bag is strapped, or the little motor car style type to drive around the course.

Car style motorized golf carts are electric or gasoline powered. They first came about in the 1940s to help those with disabilities to get around the course but are enjoyed by many players today.

The typical speed limit of these motorized golf carts is around 15-20 MPH. It may have one, two, four or six seats, to transport the whole group during the game.

Care should always be taken on the course in motorized golf carts. Your golf club may have a set of rules to observe with carts, but much is down to common sense and generally this will include using consideration for where it is driven and parked, taking care to protect the greens and not leave tire marks – particularly during or after wet weather, not overloading the cart and keeping body parts inside it, remember to use the brakes properly on stopping and don't drink and drive!

Push/pull style motorized golf carts might also be subject to rules at the golf club, such as the width of the tires to prevent damage to turf and keeping them to the edges of the green. They can make the game far more enjoyable for those who don't like the physical effort involved in wheeling the golf bag around in non-motorized golf carts.

These carts are run by battery, are made by a number of manufacturers and can be found in many golfing and online stores. Kaddy Karts, CA, have a large range including the RoboKaddy – apparently “no other cart has the ability to go in reverse”. An Internet search for “motorized golf carts” will provide plenty of links to many different carts to enable you to choose which suits your needs.


Learning the Secrets of a Good Golf Swing

Learning the Secrets of a Good Golf Swing

Learning how to perform a good golf swing is not a simple process. Many people feel that the more swing they put into it the farther the ball will go. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The proper from, how the club is held and how the body moves when the player is about to strike the ball, all must come together to make the right motion before hitting the ball. Most golf pros will tell you that the worst thing that a player can do is over analyze their swing. They will say that thinking is detrimental to their game. It is not how the swing looks, but if the movement has the right fluidity to hit the ball fast and far, or gently into the hole.

The key to a good swing is the motion. It must have a rhythm to it that the player can repeat each time they are ready to hit the ball. This, of course, requires lots of practice, but practice is the key to a well played game of golf. To begin the motion the club must work with the person’s body. The backswing is not where the speed is. It is the beginning of the motion. The fluidity and speed must come on the downswing. The power in the downswing originates from the motion of the backswing. This motion will be from the power of the arms. It is not in the hands; only the club is. A successful player must learn this difference.

The downswing connects with the ball, sending it in the direction and for the purpose the player is looking for. That can be when the swing is for the first shot when the player wants to get it as far as possible or when it is the end when the purpose is to sink the ball in the hole. This requires a different type of swing, a more controlled and guided one. Too many times those who are just learning the game angle to the wrong side in their attempts to get the ball to move fast. This is one of those things that a good golf pro can help to correct. Many people find that it is best to be taught the right way to make a golf swing instead of having to be untaught early bad habits.

Stiff Competition in the Making of Golf Shoes

Stiff Competition in the Making of Golf Shoes

Golf shoes should be made of the highest quality materials and must provide the highest level of comfort for your feet during a golf game. Footwear of golfers must satisfy various criteria. They have to be stylish, comfortable and durable. Also, they have to be performance-enhancing while keeping the price at a competitive level. These shoes have to be carefully picked. This is important because they could mean winning or losing the game. If the golf player is uneasy with the shoes he is wearing, the game is surely affected a great deal. No one expect a person to perform well when the soles of his feet are aching from the shoes he is wearing. Even walking at this instance could seem like a burden.

Shoes for golfers are available for all skill levels. From the amateurs to the best players, there are models available for every one. They can vary from latest technology of waterproof shoes down to the sandals suitable for the hot days of summer golfing. Comfortable ground-gripping, form-fitting shoes enable the player to enjoy the game and lower their scores significantly.

Manufacturers of top quality shoes for golfers are locked into stiff competition. They combine the highest level of technology and the best among raw materials. They have to innovate all the time in order to come up with the best products that can measure up to the demands of the market. Competition keep them aiming to do better. No single manufacturer will want to be left behind. Among the best brands that continuously aim for perfection are Callaway, Nike, Adidas, Footjoy, Etonic, Dexter and Dunlop. Golf players can search these brand names for the shoes that will be their ally in winning that golf game. So go and search for that golf shoes that can make your feet experience the highest level of comfort and dryness all through the golf game.


Golf Gift Selection

Golf Gift Selection

Are you looking for a golf gift that will make your friend thrilled? No worries. There are many gift items in the market and on the internet that are golf related. They are so fantastic that they are sure to delight every golf lover you know. You can start by knowing what your friend already possesses and look for something that he still does not have. Among the many gift items that are sure to please your friend are the following:

Golf GPS is one of the most wanted golf accessories of the year. They are easy to use and to navigate. Today’s GPS can be easily mapped and they are now equipped with golf statistics software. These features are sure to make your friend confident in playing the game and lowering his score.

Magnetic bracelets are sure therapeutic gifts that can ease the tiredness of the hands. They are not only for looking good, but for feeling good as well. What else can be better than a trendy way to ease the aches and pain of the hands?

Golf shoes and gear storage are another gift item favorite. They will make your friend’s golfing accessories organized and easy to bring along.

Give your loved one a putter stand to hold the putter and keep it organized and safe.

For your golf enthusiast friend, give him a personalized golf coaster set to keep him entertained.

High power golf scopes are also a sure hit. This will make your friend view the yard and plan his move beforehand. This is a very helpful gadget for golfers.

You will never run out of ideas. There are a lot more items available for gifts. You just have to look around and choose what pleases you most. There are even golf ball buckets, trendy golf slippers, golf practice cages and a lot more. There are even items for the kids. You can give them a golf club inclusive of rolling bag, iron, driver, putter and other little accessories that goes along with the club. Go choose the best golf gift now.


The Simple Golf Swing

While golf is a game with a simple concept, which is that you are supposed to hit a ball towards a hole at the other side, there is much difficulty in that task. Eighty percent of all golfers don't get to achieve a handicap of less than 18. This is simply because of inconsistency in their golf swing. While you may have difficulties, it should be simple as the only thing that you really need to achieve is consistency.

Achieving this golden consistency can help you hit the ball square, letting you go at longer distances every time and shave off 7-10 or more strokes off your score. The key principle to consistency is to have a simple golf swing. It is a swing where there is no wasted movement and is easy to do, no matter what. The best way to do anything, whether it is golf or anything else, is to keep it simple.


One of the secrets to a good golf swing is to have a stable spine which you can work around. Keeping it straight will enable you to use your spine as an axis for your body rotation. Most golfers with high handicaps have a lot of unnecessary movements, swaying as they swing. This makes them waste a lot of energy in those movements and not let them focus on the ball itself. The best way to achieve that consistency is to coil around your spine and limit hip rotation. This will let you put power into your golf swing.

Limit Hip Movement

By having a stable spine, you are to limit hip rotation in your swing. Hip rotation is good for other sports like boxing, but it is no good in golf. Hip rotation will cause you to sway as you swing, which makes it ineffective. Only swing around your spine, and you can take the sway away from your swing.


Power is crucial in a golf swing. You can get this by not swinging the club too far back as all you need is to coil around your spine. This is a key in getting power.

Those are three basic principles you need to keep in mind - swing around a stable spine, limit your hip rotation, and shorten your backswing as you don't really need to swing it back to parallel. These can help you achieve efficient movement in your swing.

The thing you have to remember is that the best golf swing does not have a lot of movement to it at all. Professional golfers understand this principle, and that is why they have such low scores. By keeping it simple, they can achieve consistency in their swings and hit the ball right at the center.

A simple golf swing helps a player perform even at the harshest and most nerve-wracking of conditions. When you have trained well and long and hard, your body “becomes” the golf swing itself, as some golfers put it, and almost effortlessly, your swing becomes consistent. By achieving the most perfect golf swing for you, your confidence will be increased.

This will let you play without distractions even in tournament play, where the pressure can faze other people out. Once you get it, all you need to tune up is your mental game.


How to Find the Perfect Golf Course

How to Find the Perfect Golf Course

So you are out and about traveling around looking for a new golf course to play on. You’ve brought your golf clubs just in case you happen across a fine course that looks like it would be fun to play on – but the chances are slim that you will just run into a course while you are on a leisurely drive. Short of using the phone book’s yellow pages, how else are you supposed to find some new links in your neighborhood that you can enjoy? You could always ask around to see where your buddies all play golf – or you can go high tech and enter the whole new world of using the Internet to determine where you should play.

Let’s face it – no single person knows where each and every great golf course in the world is. Sure, you have probably heard about a few amazing courses that you would just love to play on, but getting to them may take a heck of a lot of work. On the other hand, you can always ask your friends and other golfers where they prefer to golf – but once again, you will only get a few answers as to which courses are any good.

Using the Internet though can open your eyes to a whole new world full of golfing amazement. With websites like the Golf Course Guide leading the way, you can quickly and easily find just about any course you can imagine. From there, you are just a few clicks away from getting a full rating of that course which you can use to judge whether or not that course would be suitable for you. All it takes is a few short minutes of browsing around online before you can be out hitting the links on a golf course that suits your needs to a tee.


Electric and Gas Powered Golf Carts

Electric and Gas Powered Golf Carts

Powered golf carts come in gasoline or electric powered varieties. Walking powered golf carts are electric; and driven ones can be either type.

Electric powered golf carts are typically powered by a 12 volt battery. Charging time and distance traveled per charge will vary. A full charge may need to run overnight but all should easily be able to cope with a whole round of golf. To charge, it can usually be plugged into the mains.

Units are available, such as the Solo, which can convert ordinary push carts into powered golf carts. These clip onto the frame and are easy to remove again in order to fold and store the cart as normal.

Electric powered golf carts which can be driven usually have a 36 or 48 volt battery. Again, charging and usage times will vary, but expect to charge overnight for a full day of use. Electric powered golf carts are more popular then gas powered, partly due to environmental concerns and the fact that the power in them has improved over the last few years making them a more enjoyable alternative to gas.

Gas powered golf carts generally use ordinary gas, but a few diesel models are available. One drawback of gas powered golf carts is that you may need to carry an extra can of gas in case of emergency. Also, gas powered carts are restricted in some areas. In 1997, the California Air Resources Board restricted their sale within regions which don't meet specified air quality standards. The pollution factor of using gas powered golf carts may also be a consideration for many users in areas where they are not restricted.

The latest innovation in powered golf carts is the solar powered variety. A solar panel is installed on the roof to charge the battery, so charging can take place during play. Future carts will possibly be hydrogen or hybrid fuel cell powered.


Take the Slice Away from Your Golf Swing

All golfers want that perfect golf swing that they can always rely on. It is a swing that can be used effectively with either a wood or iron. You can tee off and drive with it, adapting to changes in wind and terrain. It is a swing that can get you out of bad situations like bunkers and even water. It is a swing that is as simple as it can get, yet can be versatile and dependable.

That isn’t happening though if your swing has slice.

Perfecting that golf swing definitely isn't easy, no matter how you look at it. It takes a lot of experimentation and practice to get the kinks out of the swing. However, the real fact about this is that it is actually simpler than you think. It is mostly about what you do during your swing.


One tip that always works is to always keep your swing simple. With as few movements as possible, you can take away unnecessary movements that may be both a waste of energy and bad for your swing. There is no real need for your elbows to bend during the swing and you have to only pivot with your feet as you follow through. There is no need to take an extra step or anything, which can skew with the shot.


Of course, if you can't improve by yourself, then get a coach who can teach you the finer points of improving your golf swing. Balance and correct positioning are crucial to a good golf swing. However, without rhythm, you can never achieve these two things. You are to ensure that you can have a smooth rhythm in your swing to fix whatever you need to fix. You can hum a tune, sing a song, count, or do whatever is necessary to get a rhythm down to swing correctly.

Hand and Wrist Position

Another tip is to always mind hand and wrist position. One of the major causes of slicing is that the club is twisted during the swing, which makes it hit the ball in a crooked manner, driving it in directions other than straight ahead. This is due to the hands and wrists twisting during the swing because of wrong positioning. The technique must be refined in order to correct this mistake.

Interlocking your hands by connecting the little and ring finger of your dominant hand with the index and middle finger of your complementary hand (never call that other hand 'weak') to solve this problem. This can help you prevent that unnecessary twist with a little practice. It can also help you improve in terms of accuracy and distance.

Straighten Your Spine

Always have your spine straight and acting as an axis for your swing. The importance of spine alignment can never be understated when it comes to golf. Imagine yourself as a pendulum with your spine as the point of axis. This can help you simplify your golf swing in a great deal.

Hip Rotation

With that spine straight and fingers interlocked, you must also remove excess hip rotation in your golf swing. While lots of hip rotation is something that can make a punch stronger, this is not boxing. In golf, that hip rotation causes slicing, and that can damage your game. Therefore, you must keep hip rotation as minimum as it is required. However, don't mistake this for removing hip rotation in your swing as it is still required to generate power in your swing.

Therefore, study how much hip rotation is needed to improve your swing. These tips, along with lots of practice, can help you remove that slice and achieve distance and accuracy in your golf swing.

Private Golf Club Communities in Florida

Private Golf Club Communities in Florida

With all the golf courses available in the world a person might wonder what you might get if you join a private golf club. You can find many good public courses but the tendency of a private club to offer some benefits that you won’t find at a public course can often make it the right decision.

Do you want to swim, have happy hour, have parties, other activities, other sports like tennis, things for the children to do while you golf, and how about a variety of food options? Well if you consider the many different private clubs and what is available it could be well worth it...or is it? You might be able to find a lot of this in a public golf community but there will be one major difference at least and that is...

Who has ownership in the club...?

You want to join a club that offers an equity in the club. As a member you would receive all the benefits offered by the private club but would also be a part owner. Be sure to research into a private golfing clubs benefits and ownership types. Keeping ownership with the members reduces a lot of possible fee assessments with each new project. What are some private clubs to check into more?

If you want to explore an area like Florida here are some communities that might fit what you need in a private golf community.

In the Tampa Bay area you will find The Champions Club situated in the tri county area it includes Hillsborough, Pasco, and Pinellas Counties. There are many golfing villages or communities enveloped by a golf atmosphere and Mediterranean environment. You can get a home right up near the course with it almost in your back yard or farther away. The Private Club type community of golfing is great for a day of sun and fun without having to leave.

If you want to fish too you would want to consider an area in Tarpon Springs like Lansbrook. This private golfing club has a course that is not only a challenge but beautiful as well. It has wonderful homes, a lake and great fishing. Don't forget the boating. They also have daily fee golf.

These private golf communities usually have:

* A Private 18 hole golf course

* Private clubhouse

* A pool

* A Fitness center

* Restaurant facilities

* A pro shop on location

Whether you are looking for a private live in golf community or a private club you will likely find what you are looking for. Just keep in mind how your investment will benefit you the most. Is it just investment in the many benefits of a club or the investment of a home with a private club or member ownership equity type club? The choice is yours because there are plenty of opportunities.

So find the private community that suits your golfing pleasures and needs. You might want to take advantage of the golfing pros there at some of these places to assist you; many even have PGA pros on staff. You might be very business oriented and want a conference room available where you can have a meeting before or after golf. There is an additional benefit to joining a private golf club of any kind and that would be the networking opportunities available to you as a member to find business associates or friends. Circulate with the other members who are often people seeking what you have or that are going to be ale to make the connection that you need. It's really all about golf but with an emphasis on a club; a private golf club.


Golf Clubhouse Food and More

Golf Clubhouse Food and More

A golf clubhouse offers a wide variety of services and facilities. And one never needs to leave hungry after a round of golf. What might you find at a clubhouse? We will explore that here.

Most clubhouses on the green offer nice clean showers and locker rooms as a basic starter. A lot of them already supply the towels and such things as soap or shower gel and shampoo. All you need to bring is your clean change of clothes. This might be a big plus if you are planning on dining after the game.

If you want to really relax and get loosened up after the game then try a course that has an offering of spa and massage. Could there be a better way to relax or soothe sore muscles and joints then a spa treatment in a hot tub and an hour long massage with oil after a good or bad game.

After the massage you are sure to be hungry and the clubhouses these days have some great food right on up to gourmet even. You can find some clubhouses that serve up wonderful appetizer, meal, and dessert to die for while you sit in front of some handsome large TVs and overlook the golf course.

You might want to simply go out to the course to just dine there are some clubhouses serving up such good food. Many of these clubhouses are available to the public and offer much more than mentioned already. Such as a picturesque view of the landscaping and course and many of them have nice decks outside.

Whether you want to have a meal with friends or an after or between rounds drink you are likely to find what you want.

Want something like a luncheon at the grill with friends but no golf or to sit at a bar that serves beer aside from the dining you are sure to find that too.

There are clubhouses that offer a banquet facility and world class cuisine. Not to mention that you can host a celebration at a ballroom or any special event in some of these beautiful and often huge golf clubhouses. Just check with the clubhouse and find out what they have available and let them know what you have in mind.

There isn’t much you can’t have these days when you seek a round of golf. You can have a full upscale or carefree outing at just about any golf clubhouse in the world today.


The Anatomy of a Golf Swing

Many people envy the likes of Tiger Woods because of his world championship winning golf swing. To the avid golfer, the joy of watching these pros in action and seeing the way they swing the club to hit the ball is a joy like no other. To a true lover of the sport the perfection of the swing is the Holy Grail of golf. The golf swing is the defining skill that separates the greenhorn from the veteran and the golfer from the poser.

Because of the popularity of golf in almost all of the countries of the world, many people have come up with instructional guides, books and CDs that could help improve the golfer's swing. Some of them are effective with some people and some of them are not. The reason behind this difference in the output is the human anatomy. There are no two people that are exactly alike in the same way no two golf swings are alike. Because of the body structure of some people, there are techniques that really don't work for them.

For example a stocky golfer would have a hard time matching the flexibility and nimbleness of a slender golfer and in return the slender golfer will have a hard time matching the power of the swing of the stocky golfer. Because of the stockiness of golfer A, he is able to use his broad shoulders in smashing the golf club far, but because of the nimbleness and flexibility of golfer B he is able to reach farther behind his back to give his club a wider range of motion for the swing creating a higher velocity impact on the ball.

The outcome of the distance of the two golfer's swing maybe the same but the technique is different with each golfer. This difference in technique is because of the difference of the body type.

Another way to look at your golf swing is with the help of mathematics and a little bit of physics. When you look at it this way you will be able to see the impact of the numbers on your game. A study shows that most professional golf players achieve a club head speed of 100 miles per hour at the very bottom of their swing right before they hit the ball. Tiger Woods can swing up to 125 miles per hour that means he can hit 25 mph faster that other pros.

He achieves this by reaching farther back on his set up that most golfers. Physicist have already studied golf in relation to the angular motion and the torque force that changes the angle of the club when it hits the ball. Velocity is also an important factor in your golf swing. Almost all club heads weigh the same and for a golfer to hit the ball farther they need to achieve maximum club velocity or they must have higher club head speed at the bottom of their swing.

One of the most common misconceptions that a golfer has is snapping the wrist right before impact is like pressing the nitro button in the straightaway lane. When golfers do this they are actually slowing down the velocity of the clubhead making the golf swing lighter. This is a bad habit that should be avoided.

This usually happens when a golfer is standing to close to the ball during the golf swing.


Public Golf Course locations

Public Golf Course locations

There are many public golf courses available that rival the private golfing club. There are many wonderful courses around the world but if you are interested in the coastal atmosphere and want to try a Florida course or a Carolina course then here is a list for you to check out.

Florida being known as the great sunshine state can provide a paradise for many vacations. A golf vacation of many people’s dreams awaits in Florida as it is known too as a golfers paradise. Some of the top golf vacation locations available in Florida are located in the Panhandle, Orlando, Miami, Tampa, Naples, Sarasota, and Fort Meyers. If you want white sandy beaches and a sub tropical climate the there are some great public courses available.

You can golf all year round in Florida on challenging and engaging public golfing courses. In the Spring and the fall after May but before October you will not be too overcrowded and the resort golfing courses, public, and the semi private courses will be much more able to allow you to pick up a leisurely pace as you play golf. You can probably pick your own tee time also. You might even be able to locate a private golf course that allows public access during the off season. You can choose from every level of player challenge imaginable on over 1.000 available public courses in Florida.

Carolina golfing on public courses

From the total vacation package to the specially priced package South Carolina offers some world class golf. You can enjoy public courses with seaside golfing or put around on a plantation style course. With the Hilton Head offering semi private championship courses and more than 20 public golfing courses. There are some very well designed and challenging courses in the area while Myrtle Beach is noted as the best golf in the world.

Myrtle Beach has 12 month long golf with reasonable winter temperatures. If you want a bargain this is a good place to play on some awesome courses in the off season for a discounted price. Often when the hotels in the area strive to recoup from reduced revenue from the beach crowd, they will offer golf packages that include everything from the dinner to the golf game. You can also find some top courses available to the public in Columbia, Spartanburg, Kiawah Island and many more.

Check with your travel agent or trip planner for more information on the area you are interested in and book your day at a popular public golf course.


Basic Golf Swing Mechanics

Golfers everywhere try to replicate the "perfect" golf swing to improve their game in leaps and bounds, making shots effortless and very professional. However, one thing to note that there is no such thing as the perfect golf swing as there is only a perfect golf swing for each player. As our bodies were made differently, so should our mentality in swinging a golf club. By adhering to basic principles and practicing everyday, anyone can achieve perfection and hit the ball onto the green every single time.

A lot of golfers suffer from not being able to hit either their drivers or irons right at all, causing slices and other problems with their swing. Some tend to have a “to blame” list: the weather, the slope, too much overtime affecting their game, or that they’re just warming up. One thing that golfers ignore is the fact that basic motions are always the best way to go.

Here are six basic principles that can help you get the mechanics of your golf swing properly.

1. Alignment is crucial in hitting your target square. The fundamental concept behind a proper golf swing is hitting the ball dead center, which means that alignment is the most important basic in a proper golf swing.

2. Make sure that you have a comfortable stance that will let you rotate your body in the most effortless way possible. Think of your spine as an axis and find your center of gravity by pushing your backside out. Once you achieve that comfortable stance, then you should have less problems.

3. Always keep your eyes at what you are trying to hit. This has got to be the most ignored rule as it seems so simple. However, this definitely is the most important rule to keep in mind as you have to see what you are supposed to hit in the first place the actually hit. This is all about common sense, so do it.

4. Be patient and keep your mind concentrated on your goal. Do this by thinking smoothly and having your feet planted firmly on the ground. This is not about what happens next or what you did in the past. This is about the present, and you should always concentrate on what is now to achieve anything significant in the future. This way, you can achieve proper rhythm in your golf swing.

5. A good way of thinking is "sweep" for woods and "pinch" for irons. This may sound strange, but it can help you with your game as these are how clubs are designed. An iron is supposed to pinch the ball off the ground, while a driver is supposed to sweep it off the tee.

6. Humming a rhythm can help you keep your mind away from the golf swing and more on hitting the ball. These two things sound similar, but there is a fundamental difference. Thinking about the golf swing is a complication as it is more about technical aspects of the game, while hitting the ball is just the basic concept that the game is about.

Keeping things simple is the way to go as it helps you concentrate on the details that truly matter without making you panic when you do commit a mistake. Fear and lack of self-esteem are the enemies of a golfer.